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Flip the Switch

I could pinpoint the moment that my brain finally clicked and said, “Why do you think you have an image to uphold? Why do you think that you’re so special that anyone cares what your body looks like or that it has changed? You’re so vain.” That was it. It was the turning point of my body image problem. I won’t shoot rainbows up your ass and tell you that I’m cured, but it was the turning point. I’m still here in the beginning, but I think I’m headed in the right direction. Except that my dumbass somehow just actually typed wrong while saying right in my head, so take my opinions with a grain of salt anyway.  I was skinny in high school, very skinny. I was always the thinnest person in the room, well usually. It wasn’t due to any effort on my behalf, it was just my metabolism. Because I ate like a horse. I had no problem stuffing a 32 oz porterhouse with a side of mashed potatoes and a salad in my face with room for dessert. There is no scientific explanation for how that was physicall

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